How to Reduce Belly fat | Top 5 effective ways to reduce belly fat

How to Reduce Belly fat | Top 5 effective ways to reduce belly fat

Weight loss is generally referred to as less intake of calories and high mobility. Means we need to take a low calorie diet and need to do high mobility work. 

How to Reduce Belly fat | infomacha
Reduce belly fat 

Yes! It is as easy as you read..

To reduce belly fat or to lose weight we need to follow some steps.

Let's know the Top 5 steps to follow to reduce belly fat.

1) less intake of calories:

We need to focus on calories we intake and try to keep it low. Because, when we take low calories in our diet and do work which consumes more calories compared to calories taken in our diet. Then our body spends glucose stored inside muscles to use as energy at that time our body metabolism will slow downs to conserve energy. Then we will be able to lose weight by burning more calories.

2) High mobility: 

We all are always here that.., Software employees and government job holders get belly fat by setting for 5 to 6 hours at work daily. Yes it is real and we may witness some people also.

The reason behind this saying is..., Due to lack of mobility in their body, they spend almost 5 to 6 hours without mobility at work. So, calories spent by them are literally low compared to calories intake by them. 

So keep in mind that less mobility leads  to less range of motion and lack of muscle fibres working and Lowes the working metabolism and Less fat loss.

3) Workouts:

When it  comes to workout everyone tries to keep it heavy and complex. Even if you go through any reference platforms like Google, Quora etc. There also you find workouts to reduce belly fat but they are complex. But, the reality is you need to do "Moderate - intensive exercises". There is no compulsory rule to do workout heavily to reduce belly fat.

How to Reduce Belly fat | infomacha | workout
Weight lifting 

Here the key is to workout consistently with one day break for muscles. Putting consistent efforts on your muscle by doing a consistent workout is better than doing a high intensive workout. So, do workout "consistently" up to 20 to 30 minutes moderate intensive exercises daily.

4) Diet:

Our body needs a "proper diet" more than consistent workouts. A proper diet means having a diet which focuses on muscle gain and fat loss, such diets are very important.

Weight loss is generally 70% diet and 30% workouts, it means losing weight or gaining weight 70% depends on what type of food we intake and rest 30% depends on mobility or workout activities done by us.

So, if you make a good and effective diet plan then you will win an 80% race in weight loss training. 

How to Reduce Belly fat | infomacha | Diet plan
Diet plan 

SO,  let's try  to keep the following things in your diet.

  1. Add more soluble fibres: helps to slow down food when passing through your digestive system. 
  2. Avoid foods that contain transfer fats  and high sugar quantities.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol.
  4. Eat high proteins and minerals quantity foods.

what really Diet do; In our diet if you include good food with a good source of vitamins and minerals etc. Help us to gain muscle and lose fat content. So try to make a good diet plan by considering the above steps or better to consult a professional diet planner to make a good diet plan for you.

5) Proper Sleep: 

If you are following a proper diet plan and doing workouts consistently but due to some professional or personal works you are not able to get sufficient hours of sleep. Then I bet ! You can't be able to gain muscle and proper health.

It is very important to take 8 hours of sleep a day. When you are engaged in weight loss training or weight gain training even if you are not engaged in any training.

Sleep is a very important thing in human life. By taking 8 hours  of sleep it helps us to gain fresh energy for the next day and gives rest for our body muscles to repair.

Both physically and mentally sleep helps humans. So, try to get sufficient sleep hours daily.


Weight loss = Workout + Sleep + Proper Diet.

Yes! It is as easy as you read..! All the best.

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